Friday, November 24, 2006

Only 'Change' is 'Permanent'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the last day of the year 2002 when my father retired. When he returned home that day he was a content man. Why not? He had spent more than thirty years working for the Indian Railway. That evening he discussed at length his association with the Indian Railways and his love for his employer. Even after retirement he spends most of his time in the vicinity of the Railway Station.

That was then…………..

In the last two years I have been with two employers. In the last 6 months my brother has worked for 3 employers and one of my colleagues is in the process of changing 3 jobs in 4 months. Another close associate of mine has changed 5 jobs in 4 years. This is a common trend in the IT industry. With this trend a guy will be changing at least 35 jobs (on an average) in about 30 years.

Have we started living with changes? Or are changes permanent?


deepakpalak said...

changing work environment, employer,lifepartners...... are common nowadays. will u try the third.If the ans is 'NEVER' u are still an orthodox indian.

deepakpalak said...

Guha Sab, by seeing the photo I have confirmed that marriages are really made in heaven, as there seems to have many characters of yours in ur wife-g's face; say for example the smile!