Friday, March 16, 2007

Pieces of my mind

I have no words to describe the bloodbath at Nandigram.

We still call it democracy ??????????


deepakpalak said...

someone has commented that Democracy is the Government OFF the people BUY the people and to FOOL the people. Leave the concept of Democracy, nations are now under the control of 'vaniks'(the business mafia), a clear sign of the so called 'kaliyuga'. For them is the land acquisition in the name of 'development'(for whom?)and those who protest have another motive which is only politricks; amidst them aam admi like us suffer a lot because of being ignorant and innocent.

deepakpalak said...

Once in a pink moon comments from pluto appears, missing the hot topics such as Richard Gere-shilpa shetty kississues, Ash-B-shake wedding, JahanviKapoor's commitment (to suicide)etc. Let ur own time to re-unite the pieces of ur mind, but pls give us assuarance that the PC (Plutonic Cycles)will be increased.
[Deepak 'From the New Horizon's watch tower (c)]